Albadyh launches a health support and development project in the western districts of Hadhramaut Valley

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  • Albadyh launches a health support and development project in the western districts of Hadhramaut Valley
  • On Sunday, 11/5/2023, in  Bashmakh Hall in Albadyh  Development Complex, Albadyh Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Aid launched a project to support health care in the western districts of Hadramout , within the rehabilitation of health centers program. the project has three main interventions : (specialized clinics, providing medical devices , and providing health personnel), as it targets the western areas in Hadramout Valley ( Alqatin district – Wadi Al-Ain and Houra – Haridah – Amd – Rakhiya).
  • the specialized clinics will be implemented (11 specialty clinics) for 6 months aiming to provide specialties that are not present in the targeted districts to reduce the burden on patients of the burden of transportation and travel to see specialists. 31 devices will also be provided to hospitals and medical centers in the targeted districts, including (a device CBC, the Neo Blaze device for assisting asthma patients, ECG devices, vital signs monitoring devices (Monitor), devices for controlling the administration of injections and intravenous fluids (Syringe Pump and Infusion Pump), blood pressure devices and stethoscopes, and 10 technical health cadres were sponsored within the program to rehabilitate hospitals and medical facilities in the Amad and Rakhiya Directorate. Distributed between laboratory, nurses, radiology technician and general make and female doctors
  • Contracts for the implementation of the combined interventions implemented within the project in the targeted districts were also signed, and were signed by the Albadyh by Fayez Omar Alaw , Head of the Health Department, and signed by Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Lardi, Director of Alqatin General Hospital,  Muhammad Ali Bayaashout, Director of Houra General Hospital, and Abdullah Bin Ahmed Batis, Deputy Director of Al-Hayat Hospital, Faisal Aidha bin Haidara, Executive Director of the Rakhiya Development Foundation, and Sami Baoubath, Director of Public Relations at Albadyh Foundation branch in Wadi Amad.
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